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Chinese translation for "flip side"


Related Translations:
flip:  vi.(-pp-)1.用指头弹;轻轻打。2.(用鞭子等)抽。3.叭嗒叭嗒地动;翻动纸张。4.跳上车。5.起强烈反应。6.〔美俚〕失去自制力;入迷;精神失常,发疯。 短语和例子flip at an ass with a whip 用鞭子抽驴子。vt.1.用指轻弹,轻击。2.(用鞭)抽打;急速挥动(扇子等);急拉(鱼饵)。3.翻动(纸牌等)。4.跳上(行驶中的车辆)。短语和例子
flip phone:  翻盖式移动电话。
egg flip:  egg flip =egghead 〔讽俚〕知识份子。
flip chip:  【计算机】叩焊,(反装)晶片,倒装片(法)。
Example Sentences:
1.On the flip side of decompilation is obfuscation
2.The flip side of the opposite . . . to the right
对面的反方向. . .右边
3.She is the flip side of cinderella
4.The flip side of the opposite . to the right
5.See you on das flip side , cody
6.On the flip side , however ,
7.The flip side of relentless mobility is turmoil and angst , broken marriages and unhappy children
8.Melt a teaspoon of butter , using low heat , slowly pan fry the lamb chop . flip sides once a while
9.Promo song , " in love with your blog " . as for the flip side dvd , it features say goodbye . .
Project d车队在网上公开招募挑战的对手,在指定的道路上追求速度,刷新记录。
10.The flip side of the coin of content consumption is investment in content creation , marketing , distribution and maintenance
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